Pakistan hacked IITD, DU, AMU and IIT BHU websites and wrote Pakistan Zindabad

Today 25 April, 2017 four official websites i.e. IIT Delhi, IIT BHU, Delhi University and Aligarh Muslim University was hacked and it the domain names was redirected to any other website. All the contents of Websites were not affected due to this hacking, and only website address was redirected to other website.

The Hackers called itself as “PHC” given message to the government of India and the people of India on the current incidence happening in Jammu & Kashmir.

Here it the whole message and its snapshot by the Pakistani hackers

! Stuck By PHC
Pakistan l33t w4s h3r3

Greeting Government of India, and the people of India :),

Do you know what your so called hero’s (soldiers) are doing in Kashmir? Do you know they are killing many innocent people in Kashmir?
Do you know they have raped many girls? Do you know they still are raping girls in Kashmir? How would you feel if your brother, sister, father and mother gets killed: (? How would you feel if someone rapes your mother or sister; Won’t your life and your families be destroyed?
Kashmir will be Pakistan what has the people in Kashmir done to India? Why are your soldiers there even?
People in Kashmir have the right to live in peace!
Take your murderers and rapists back home! “This is in response to Code-Man’s hack of ( and in the solidarity of innocent Kashmiri People being killed by Indian Army!”
Thank You, Regards –PHC
Nothing deleted, or stolen. Just here to deliver my message to the government and the people of India :)
# Security Is Just An Illusion
Greetz and sh0uts out to : my all homies
Pakistan Zindabad

Here are the snapshot of their messages delivered on the hacked websites

Pakistan hacked IITD, DU, AMU and IIT BHU websites and wrote Pakistan Zindabad

Pakistan hacked IITD, DU, AMU and IIT BHU websites and wrote Pakistan Zindabad

Pakistan hacked IITD, DU, AMU and IIT BHU websites and wrote Pakistan Zindabad


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